Making the Prints

Print registration
When producing a print of more than one colour it's essential that the block and paper are correctly registered, i.e. the image always lies in the same position at each stage of the print process.
The relatively recent innovation of Ternes Burton pins and plastic stripping tabs has made this task a lot simpler.

The metal pins are fixed to whatever surface your lino block rests on when being printed. This could be the bed of your press, a card bedsheet or, in my case, a sheet of MDF. (I tape my blocks to a board with double sided carpet tape to prevent slippage as it passes through my roller etching press.)

The pins are held in place with tape. I use brown framing tape but any strong tape will do. Here I'm using three pins. This reduces the risk of the paper 'riding up' as it passed through my roller press. If your printing by hand or using a relief press two pins will be sufficient.

The plastic stripping tabs have two appertures.

The larger hole sits on the paper and is held in place with tape. The smaller hole clicks into place over the metal pin. The tabs can be re-used again and again. However, be aware that once the fit becomes loose it's possible for the tab to jump off the pin.

Providing you don't accidentally knock a pin out of place (I've done this and it's really annoying) or tear off a tab you will have perfect registration every time.
Ternes Burton pins were once only available from the US, but you can now get them from UK suppliers such as Handprinted and Intaglio Printmaker
The relatively recent innovation of Ternes Burton pins and plastic stripping tabs has made this task a lot simpler.

The metal pins are fixed to whatever surface your lino block rests on when being printed. This could be the bed of your press, a card bedsheet or, in my case, a sheet of MDF. (I tape my blocks to a board with double sided carpet tape to prevent slippage as it passes through my roller etching press.)

The pins are held in place with tape. I use brown framing tape but any strong tape will do. Here I'm using three pins. This reduces the risk of the paper 'riding up' as it passed through my roller press. If your printing by hand or using a relief press two pins will be sufficient.

The plastic stripping tabs have two appertures.

The larger hole sits on the paper and is held in place with tape. The smaller hole clicks into place over the metal pin. The tabs can be re-used again and again. However, be aware that once the fit becomes loose it's possible for the tab to jump off the pin.

Providing you don't accidentally knock a pin out of place (I've done this and it's really annoying) or tear off a tab you will have perfect registration every time.
Ternes Burton pins were once only available from the US, but you can now get them from UK suppliers such as Handprinted and Intaglio Printmaker